Presentation Evening 2021
Really good evening at Dainton Golf Club. Good food - Good company - Good wine. What more could we ask for

What a wonderful turnout we had for our Closing Day. Rob supplied his usual excellent BBQ with the help of Pauline. The bar staff kept us plied with drinks which went down very well.

Teignmouth Tournament Friday 17th September 2021
Anne Russell and Carol Wilkinson, Teignmouth Tournament Ladies Pairs Winners. Final played at Bitton Park BC.

Sunday 12th September 2021 at Leamington Spa…… Anne helps Devon win the Johns Trophy
Devon Ladies, Johns Team
Anne With Her Rink
Anne With The Johns Trophy
Anne With The Johns Tropy
Jubilee Cup, Paignton Torbay BC, Wednesday 8th September
Margaret Jones, in her capacity as Section Five Ladies Fixture Secretary, receives the trophy from Bowls Devon Lady President Christine Marshall on behalf of Bowls Devon Section Five. The team consisted of four clubs, one each from Abbrook Park BC, Bitton Park BC, Chudleigh BC and Newton Abbot BC. Representing Abbrook were Jean Stevens, Joan Medleycott, Barbara Lawrence and Anne Russell.

29th August, A super afternoon of fun food and friendship
The Fun Bowling was won by Jeff Sharland, second place Mike Russell and third Gladys Forrester. Well Done!
Presentation of 2020 competitions then took place followed by BBQ courtesy of Rob Horrell. Thanks Rob for all the hard work involved.
Music by Jeff Sharland and The Foot Tappers with Jim Yeoman on the Beat Box.
Rob entertained!! us with a song, followed by a wonderful rendition of What a Wonderful World by Kenneth Milton.

MDL Cup Triples runners-up 2021 Jeff, Kev and Ian with their cheque presentation

24th June 2021, Lee Moor BC. Anne receives her County Badge from Devon President Christine Marshall and Vicky Hingston

The Ladies played the Men on 12th June which was a lovely day and enjoyed by all. The ladies thought it best to let the men win as we didn’t want them crying in their beer afterwards!!!

14th January 2021 views of repairs to the green edging